Monday, December 23, 2013

Mexico Pachuca - Week 6 - December 23, 2013

(Excerpts from his email)

Q: How was the baptism? Did it happen? Did you baptize one of them??
A: I had special changes on Friday at the Christmas devotional when we got the shots so I couldn’t go to the baptism of Miguel and Belen but they were good so I assume they got baptized. I wasn’t gonna baptize anyway because we can only baptize one person and confirm one person on our mission.
     Q: So what kind of special changes? Did you change companions? You okay?
     A: Yes I swapped with one of the elders that came with me from the MTC cuz he was having stomach problems in his area. I’m in a place called Tepatapec and it’s like country country so his stomach was really bad. It’s close to Actopan or Tula. I have a new companion his name is Elder Hernandez.

Yes I’m good. When president called and said I had special change it was really hard. I liked the people in my ward. I was comfortable there and looking forward to Christmas with them. Here your trainers are called your papis and me and Elder Rincon were getting along really well and my district leader is like my brother and the baptism the next day. It was hard but I told myself stop being selfish it’s not my time it’s the Lords. That was the theme of the devotional as well as the true meaning of Christmas and service so it was good. It’s hard but I love the new area. The people are amazing my companion is cool I prayed for help to accept the Lord’s will and be more accepting of everything and forget myself and I have felt better since then. That’s kind of what I’ve been studying haha, Belen, my last lesson with them still changed my life. She quoted the President Monson talk we left them with that said when bad things happen often times we think why me. I was like of course that’s exactly me right now I need to stop. I read Job and my companion read about James chapter 5 verses 16 to 20 about the power of prayer. It was all good to help me be more accepting of everything.
     Q: Explain to me about the baptizing, you can only baptize one person on your entire mission? How come?
     A: Ya the first week here we had zone conferences and president told us from now on missionaries can only baptize one person for the entire mission because he wants the converts to have a spiritual experience with a member.

     Q: How’s your new companion. Where is he from?
     A: My new companion is from southern Mexico kind of Yucatanish. He’s really cool and funny. He speaks less English than Elder Rincon but I am understanding more so it works. It’s funny because his home is similar to Hawaii with a lot of beaches and he likes to eat fish and stuff like that. My new comp is the one in the first picture sitting on the rail with two thumbs up. I switched with the tall white guy next to him haha.

     Q: So the language is getting better?
     A: Everyone here says I speak and especially understand good for the time I have. My companion,    geez, he was giving his report to the zone leaders and was like ya Elder Park is great he speaks so well. I think were gonna be really good friends not just companions and he has a lot of potential as a missionary. I was like dude!

Q: How is the water, as bad as everyone says?
A: I don’t know about the water no one drinks it but we buy the big gallon jugs and drink from that. They sell purified water.

Q: Saw you had to get a flu shot, your pictures on the mission blog, what's up with that? Is Sister Egbert a nurse, she seems to know what she is doing.
A: Sister Egbert is a nurse so yes she knows what she’s doing.

Q: Can you explain to us what makes up a district and then what makes up a zone?
A: A district is usually 3 companionships that are close and a zone is I think all the missionaries in the stake.

Also at our devotional we watched a video about an orchard owned by the church that makes raisins for needy and every Christmas a ward goes to work in it cause that’s the only day they have off at that time.

(You can find the video and story here.

                                 Elder Park’s Zone at Christmas Devotional

Elder Park

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